The stream of cold air cools my hot body while I lean against the window. While ignoring some soft whispers nearby, I look at the hotel rooms across the street. Every room has a different colour see-through curtains and most of the rooms have lights inside, creating a beautiful city view. At our level, in a light green room, a man is standing in front of the window, enjoying the view. Just like me. Naked. Just like me.
His eyes meet mine and slowly drop, his gaze caressing my breasts, my belly, my legs. My eyes drop to find a woman on her knees in front of him. My body reacts, his smile grows. It’s too far to see details but it’s close enough to see they are enjoying themselves. His chin moves up a bit, his shoulders go back. Even from this distance, I can see he is challenging me. Without breaking eye contact, his hand slowly grabs her long hair, holding her head tightly while he starts to make bigger movements. Clearly, he likes me watching them. Judging by the heat between my legs, so do I.
The stream of cold air gets blocked by his body, his warm breath touches my ear. ‘What are you looking at?’ he asks. I point and his gaze follows my finger. ‘We can do better’, he whispers and pulls my ass backwards. His fully recovered dick slides between my legs. With my hand I steady myself against the window frame while a soft hand touches my shoulder and lovingly traces a line over my arm until it reaches my hand. Gently, the fingers slip in between mine and the window and twist my arm back, forcing my chest down until my back is straight and my face is at hip level. In one hard trust he is fully in me, my legs nearly give out. I hope he also likes watching us. The soft hand guides my fingers over a warm belly, slowly continuing to an even warmer spot. A rough hand grabs my shoulder, eagerly following my arm to meet my hand. Our fingers intertwine and she tenderly guides us to the wetness between her legs. She gasps as we slide in her, our fingers going in deep. ‘We definitely can do better’, she says as she removes our fingers and steps towards my face. Her soft hand grips my chin firmly, making me look in her flame filled eyes. She stands naked in front of me and, titillatingly slow, she lifts one leg to make room for my face. I don’t care anymore what they like to watch, I have the perfect view.