Although I have walked this trail so many times before, it doesn’t stop to amaze me. I can’t help wondering why it’s so quiet, why just a few people come here. At the same time, that is exactly the reason why we agreed to meet here.
Before I can see the lean-to-shelter, I can smell the fire. His skies are parked against a tree, he’s unusually early, hopefully eager. Although I took my time and came by foot, I am unusually early as well. The longer foot journey gives my imagination more time to wonder, making me wet with anticipation.
As I walk towards the lean-to-shelter, he looks up with a naughty smile. Without saying a word, I sit beside him, and stare at the fire. The warmth of the flames caresses my cold face. Slowly, it take off one of my gloves and put my cold hand inside my pants, my fingers welcomed in a warm spot. I can feel his body react, while I only touch mine. I close my eyes to feel every movement. Even with my eyes closed, I can feel his eyes following every moment.
A soft rustle of his pants gives away the rhythmic movements of his hand as he stands in front of me. I smell his enthusiasm. When I open my eyes, he is standing close to me and is even closer to come. Slowly my wet tongue moves from his base to top, just once. And after a soft sigh, I feel his warmth and wetness on my face.
After closing his pants, he kneels between my legs and holds my head between his warm hands. Our eyes meet shortly as he moves closer. His warm tongue over my cold face. His hands gently moving my head to get every drop of him. His face moves away from mine, and I open my eyes, our eyes meet again. He comes closer again, our lips touching, our tongues tangling in a very slow kiss. I come very fast.
In silence, we stare at the fire. A loud chattering couple approaches. They sit down as we stand up. “It’s so beautiful over here. Do you come here often?” I smile, “No, it’s the first time I came here. But I do hope I come here more often.” As I walk away, I can feel his smile. Would he answer the same?