Today is the day I hoped for, but never expected to come. Today is the first day he and I are an us. I look at him sitting at my dinner table, enjoying a morning coffee. His grey eyes sparkle when they meet mine. After he swallows the last sip of coffee, he stands up and invitingly holds out his hand. I place mine in his and he pulls me up. Our bodies touch. We kiss. His lips taste of coffee.

Slowly and still kissing, we make our way to the old blue sofa, dropping my skirt halfway. Gently, he guides me down and kneels before me. He eagerly places one hand on each knee and opens my legs. His wanting lips find my wet lips. His eyes look at me, teasing me. His tongue goes inside for more, tasting me. Deliberately, he moves his face to my face. We kiss. His lips taste of me, with a hint of coffee.

Enthusiastically, I grab him and pull his body closer and closer, placing his hips between my legs. He slides in easily, moving rhythmically. My eyes lock in his. I reach a quiet ecstasy in record time. With my hands on his hips, I push him out. We kiss again, while turning positions. One hand on each knee, I open his legs to make room for my head. He tastes of me, without a hint of coffee.

Thirsty for more, I use the tip of my tongue to lick every drop of me off him. My tongue teases his most sensitive part. My eyes look up, meeting his looking down. It doesn’t take long before he climaxes as well. I close my eyes and savour his flavour. Again, we kiss a long kiss. He smiles, my lips taste of him.

Hungry for more, he pulls me on the sofa and slides in me. We move together, slow, fast, hard, and deep. Soon I climax with him inside. He comes outside, covering my lips in his cum. He looks at my lips and smiles. Without a pause he goes down and starts licking hungrily. When our eyes meet, he slowly and very purposefully moves his wet face to my face. We kiss again, closing our eyes to relish the flavour. This is the best taste of all. It’s the taste of us.

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